Business... Life... Complex families...

can you make them all work together?

What to expect?

1 month pop up group

Come and check out my style to tackle life and business and how to get it done when there are complext needs to consider as well.

Real life advice

A place to talk about the real things that happen in life and how it impacts your business.


Sometimes you need people to follow you up with doing what you said you would! And a place to share your wins or the blocks that you find. This is that place!

Hotseat calls

2 hotseat calls to chat through what's going on and how we can help each other.

Networking opportunities

There's nothing worse than joining a business based group only to find that you are not allowed to talk about your business! In a Tricky Business Network group, you are welcome to share your business and look for collaboration opportunities.

About Me

I’m a Mumma to two boys, wife to a lovely husband, business owner, P& C President and many other labels that are too long to list!
Motherhood bought me into the world of Autism, ADHD, Demand Avoidance, Global delays and a host of other things.
It bought me into the world of anxiety, sleep deprivation, and searching for others who understood. 
After searching and searching, I couldn’t find a space that really felt like home.  Where I could be real about the hard stuff. Where I could collaborate with others to help find solutions that truly understood that “a good smack” would not “fix them”. And no, I didn’t just need to have better consequences and they would fall into line. (and yes, I did try all of those things and MANY more!) 
After being frustrated for a long time with the lack of true understanding out there, I decided it was time to create the community I had been seeking. Because sometimes we need a space where it’s ok to share our wins, our challenges and have a bit of fun along the way, with people who get it. 
So here I am, sharing my experiences, learnings and frustrations, in the hope that it helps you on your own journey.
Oh, I also love talking, lady grey tea and chai latte’s on almond milk that’s not super thin and my bed when I get it to myself

The nitty gritty

Tricky Business Network Pop-up group is the opportunity to come together as a group of women who are doing business while also managing a complex family. 

Client Testimonials

“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name

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