Are all the things spilling over your head and nothing seems to be getting done?

Paralysis is a real thing when the amount to things you are trying to do are more than a mile long. 

Never fear though, I’m here to help. 

When you are a Mum of Kids with additional needs (Autism, ADHD and Anxiety are my experience), it’s like the already inexhaustible list of things to do just becomes exponential! What with NDIS requirements, therapists, support workers and their comings and goings, paperwork, school appointments…. the list goes on and on! 

It’s no wonder we get into desicion paralysis!

This Masterclass is here to help give you the skills to get you out of decision paralysis and into a productive way forward!

It takes into account how crazy life can be and that sometimes it’s unpredictable. 

It takes into consideration that you don’t always know what the end point is going to look like. 

This Masterclass is designed with you in mind!

It would mean the world to me if you would join me. 

This is for you if:

Writing everything out scares you

You are feeling like the list is going to take more paper than you actually have in your house!

You hold all the info in your head

Just in case you forget something, everything is in your head. But then... it's ALWAYS in your head. The pop up reminders never stop

If Only

You could know all the things you need to do, know what the next step is.

Something needs to change

You know that you can't continue like this. It can't all fall on your shoulders and keep it in your head. You need help sorting it all out.

About Me

I’m a Mumma of 2 gorgeous teenage boys and wife to an amazing husband. I’m the P&C President of the Special Needs high school and we have a cat. I’m also a daughter, sister, friend and business owner.

Sounds like life should be amazing, doesn’t it? 

Whilst it is so much better now, I have walked the dark hallways of school trauma, multiple suspensions, restraining of my child, negotiating every step of the way and never giving up on my kids or the system that I believe has the potential to provide the support my kids deserve. 

Having complex kids brings with it a sense of overwhelm, and decision paralysis.  Often the simple things are hard to negotiate and move forward with. They all seem so big. 

There’s ways to overcome those that I have found along the way that I would love to share with you. 

It's got to get better


When you have children with additional needs, you need someone on your side.
You want someone who understands the mental load and can help you sort through the overload that’s going on in your head,  without judgement. 

Join the Masterclass here!

Register here!

The link to the recording will be sent to you in your emails!

Other Supporting resources

Like the personal approach? There is always other ways to work with me.

The Safe Space

Come and join us for a year of support and collaboration in a group setting

one to One Sessions

Need a once off session? For reassurance, guidance and a safe place to vent with someone who really knows? I'd love to chat with you. Click here to book a 90 minute session.

the whole package

Spend 3 months with support calls to help you navigate your compex needs.