I’m a Mumma to two boys, wife to a lovely husband, business owner, previous P& C President and many other labels that are too long to list!
Motherhood bought me into the world of Autism, ADHD, Demand Avoidance, Intellectual Disability and a host of other things.

It bought me into the world of anxiety, sleep deprivation, and searching for others who understood. 

After searching and searching, I couldn’t find a space that really felt like home.  Where I could be real about the hard stuff. Where I could collaborate with others to help find solutions that truly understood that “a good smack” would not “fix them”. And no, I didn’t just need to have better consequences and they would fall into line. (and yes, I did try all of those things and MANY more!) 

After being frustrated for a long time with the lack of true understanding out there, I decided it was time to create the community I had been seeking. Because sometimes we need a space where it’s ok to share our wins, our challenges and have a bit of fun along the way, with people who get it. 

So here I am, sharing my experiences, learnings and frustrations, in the hope that it helps you on your own journey.

Kelly xx

Oh, I also love talking, lady grey tea and chai latte’s on almond milk that’s not super thin and my bed when I get it to myself